To be honest nutrition for me is the hardest part of keeping up with a healthy lifestyle. I work in a gym and training is my hobby and I don’t think I could ever stop but eating well has always been a struggle for me. I have always loved to eat everything and anything so to try to stop myself from putting on extra weight I have to really work at it and be strict. Now I find a lot of people will expect to lose weight just because they start going to the gym but if they carry on eating poorly then they will see minimal benefits. Now there are so many diets out their and some may work for a short time but never forever because if they did everybody would do them. The only way to lose weight is to eat better and exercise more but the main element that people find the hardest is the temptation of fatty foods!!!!
As I have developed as a trainer and leaned more about my body I have come to the conclusion that if you wanted to lose weight that much then you would put a lot of effort in to it. Nobody said it would be easy in fact it is very hard but you can defiantly get results without feeling staving and depleted. It’s the temptation of bad food that usually stops us from succeeding our goals and is the main reason why so many people our overweight. Everybody has a choice every time they have the opportunity to eat something, you either do or you don’t! The weak minded will give in and then feel bad about it after and the strong will be strict and will not give in and will go for a healthy option. I understand it can be quite difficult to get started as children, work and everyday life can get in the way and send you off track but the key is to be good most of the time not all to the time.
My conclusion is stop being weak minded and giving in! You’re bad food decisions are the reason why you’re overweight so your better food decisions will be the reason why you lose weight. If you want the body you have always wanted the potential is there it always was but you need to put in the work and want it. It is no good moaning about your weight and not doing anything about it. You need to think its time for a change and soon enough you will see the fat falling off and your confidence improving and it will bring a new you. You can achieve anything if you put your mind to it all you need is self belief and commitment and then anything is achievable.
So the answer to the question how do I beat temptation? is with your mind by making the right food choices and not giving in!